Philanthropic Giving

Philanthropic Giving

2014-15  Grant Recipients: 

  • Coalition for the Protection of Children – $3,000 to help fund the Breakfast for Every Child Programme, operating in 8 schools, serving breakfast every school day.  
  • Bermuda Housing Trust – $2,000 to help establish a volunteer visit team to tenants in the Bermuda Housing Trust
  • Kiwanis Club of Hamilton – $1,000 to help establish an Aktion Club for the disabled in Bermuda
  • SCARS (Saving Children and Revealing Secrets) an organization devoted to creating greater awareness of the devastation that child sexual abuse can cause will be the beneficiary of the IWC Sunset Cruise to be held in the fall of 2015
  • WindReach, an organization that enriches the quality of life for people with special needs will be the beneficiary of the Art Exhibit to be held in the Spring of 2016

Over its 30+ year history, the IWC has given generously to the following organizations:
Past Philanthropic Beneficiaries: 

Adult Education Centre
Age Concern
AHEAD – Bermuda
The Alan Vincent Smith Foundation
The Bermuda Hospital’s Board
The Bermuda Arts Centre at Dockyard
Bermuda’s Autism Early Intervention Centre
The Bermuda Biological Station for Research
Bermuda Cancer & Health Centre
Bermuda Garden Club
Bermuda Heart Association
Bermuda Red Cross
Bermuda Riding for the Disabled
Bermuda Senior Islanders Centre
The Bermuda Society for the Blind
Bermuda SPCA
Bermuda Special Olympics
The Bermuda Zoological Society
Centre Against Abuse
Chatterbox – Sequoia Learning Foundation
The Chewstick Foundation
The Coalition for the Protection of Children
The Council on Alcohol and Drug Abuse
The Family Centre
Girl Guiding Bermuda
Hope Homes
Isis Foundation
Just Between Us
The Learning Centre of Bermuda
Meals on Wheels
The National Alcohol and Drug Agency
Passports to College
The Physical Abuse Centre
The Patients Assistance League
Raleigh International
Rape Crisis Centre
Reach for Recovery
The Reading Clinic
The Mid-Atlantic Wellness Centre
Salvation Army
Save the Children
St. George’s Foundation
Tomorrow’s Voices
The Eliza Dolittle Society
The Sunshine League
Tomorrow’s Voices
Women’s Resource Centre
Westmeath Residential and Nursing Home