Volunteering in the IWC and Elsewhere

Volunteering in the IWC and Elsewhere

Within the IWC we are looking for new volunteers to lead: 

  • The Walking Group:  We are looking for someone to take on this important group.

Other Volunteering Opportunities on the island: 

These organizations below have also expressed a need for volunteers.
Further details on each of the four organizations are below, scroll down!

  1. The Bermuda National Trust (Gardening, artwork, and crafts)
  2. Hospitals Auxiliary (Candy Stripers and so much more)
  3. Bermuda Environmental Sustainability Taskforce (Environmental activism/education)
  4. Girl Guiding Bermuda (Working with Children, Treasurer, or PR activities)
  5. Agape House  (Palliative Care Companions)
  6. Bermuda Underwater Exploration Institute (BUEI)
  7. The Family Centre (Homework help for kids)
  8. Windreach (Horses and Children)
  9. Bermuda Feline Assistance Bureau: (BFAB – Helping feed cats)

1. THE BERMUDA NATIONAL TRUST (BNT): The objective of the BNT is to preserve natural, architectural and historic treasures in Bermuda. There are  over 70 properties and 250 acres under BNT stewardship encompassing houses, nature reserves, coastline and even cemeteries. The historic importance of what the Trust maintains is a key educational tool, providing a link to history and ensuring its preservation.

  • BNT Volunteers play a huge role and there is something for everyone, from acting as guides to clearing land to helping at particular one-off events.
  • Help Needed: In preparation for the holiday season and the Christmas Walkabout the Trust is in need of extra hands to help with: 
    • Tending to the gardens at the Trust’s properties, in particular in St. George’s;
    • Careful dusting of artwork, china and antique furniture as well as the light polishing of silver items and Bermuda cedar in the interiors at Trust’s properties.
    • Also each holiday season the Trust holds a crafts fundraiser of donated items including holiday decorations &/or custom made items that make great gifts, such as jewellery or picture frames. Volunteers are encouraged to be as crafty as they like with their donations!
  • BNT Contact Details: If you would like extra information on opportunities or can help please contact Alie Corday Young at 236 6483 ext210 or aim@bnt.bm or email philanthropy@iwcbda.com and we will pass your details on.

2. HOSPITALS AUXILIARY OF BERMUDA: From assisting patients with menu selections to, running the Gift shop, the Pink Café and the Barn, providing a hospitality and book cart service, and being that friendly face that greets members of the public –these volunteers are vital.

  • Volunteers are asked for a minimum commitment of only 50 hours a year (preferably one shift a week), but the organization is very flexible when it comes to volunteers being off island for extended periods. Please note, there is a formal interview process with both work and character references requested, as the hospital has a duty to protect patients.
  • Contact their General Manager, at Nancy.Oughton@bhb.bm or email philanthropy@iwcbda.com and we will pass your details on.
  • Details for Locations/Hours where help is needed:
    • The Barn – Bermuda’s Number One Thrift Shop
      53 Devon Spring Road, Devonshire Tel. 236-3155
      Open Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday 9am-2pm
      Donations taken from 9-11am
    • The Pink Cafe
      King Edward Memorial Hospital Lobby – Tel. 239-2057
      Open Monday through Friday 9:00 am – 3:30 pm
      And Saturdays 9:00 am -11:30 am
    • The Gift Shop – Tel. 239-1292
      King Edward Memorial Hospital – Acute Wing Lobby
      Open Monday through Friday 9:00 am – 4:00 pm
      And Saturdays 9:00 am – 12:00 pm

3. Bermuda Environmental Sustainability Taskforce (BEST): BEST’s mission is to preserve and enhance the quality of life in Bermuda for present and future generations. It acts as an environmental watchdog and campaigner for both land and ocean. As an example, BEST tracks the development applications that are advertised each week and weighs them against planning guidelines and Bermuda’s image and scale. BEST helps and supports communities, individuals and groups with planning issues, and serves as a non-partisan link between the government and the community.

  • Current Projects: 
    • Keep Bermuda Buzzing campaign which is looking at the reasons for the decline in bee population, along with potential ways this decline can be stemmed/reversed.
    • West End Marina Project: Ensuring development is environmentally friendly.
    • Trees — raising awareness and promoting policies that value, protect and encourage reforestation in Bermuda.
  • Volunteers needed for: 
    • Creative Activism
    • Research and writing
    • Office work
  • Contact Kim Smith, Resources Administrator — by telephone at 292-3782 or by email to office@best.org.bm or email philanthropy@iwcbda.com and we will connect you.

4.  Girl Guiding Bermuda: Work with girls at various ages: Rainbows (5-7yrs), Brownies (7-10yrs), Guides (10-14yrs), or Seniors (14-25yrs).   Guiding is run by volunteers, with different groups (known as units) that meet every week during the school year at various locations across the island.

  • Where:  Currently groups operate in the following locations:
    • Rainbows: Smiths, Paget, Warwick
    • Brownies: St George’s, Smiths, Paget, Sandys, Pembroke, City of Hamilton
    • Guides: Smiths, Pembroke, Warwick, Sandys, City of Hamilton
    • Seniors: Pembroke
    • There is also the possibility of starting one in Southampton depending on interest.
  • Volunteers Needed as:  
    • Leaders, Assistant Leaders, Helpers: there is something for everyone depending on the time commitment you can give. You can even help on an ad hoc basis – as little as once a month. Or do you have a particular skill?  Could you speak to a group on a particular subject?
    • Treasurer: Most things are now handled on line, so this is a role that can primarily be done in your own time, at home and isn’t very time consuming. There is monthly board meeting but it wouldn’t always be essential for you to be present.
    • PR: Someone to promote the activities of Girl Guiding Bermuda though the media, and ensuring the website is updated regularly. Liaising with the various group leaders to help with promoting events etc.
  • Contact Details: If you can help or are interested in any of the opportunities please contact Shirlene Darrell islandcommissioner@transact.bm or email philanthropy@iwcbda.com and we will pass your details on.

5. Agape House:  Located in the grounds of KGMH, Agape House is a 9 bed, home away from home facility offering palliative full time residential care to its residents, along with a day patient programme. Each patient is treated with compassion and respect, ensuring that their time at Agape House is as stress free for them and their family as possible. Care is available 24/7, 365 days a week, with families also being supported through every step of their journey, including bereavement counselling.

  •  Volunteering Opportunities (no formal training required):
    Support in the kitchen and serving food to patients
    Front office support
    Weekly food shop
    Helping with events and fundraisers throughout the year
    Donation administration including thank you letters
  • Companion Volunteers: There is a selection process in order to become a companion volunteer. After completion of a 6 week training programme, there is an initial interview, and police vetting following which you will be invited to participate. The role these volunteers play ensure that patients have someone they can spend time with, read to, hold their hand, have a cup of tea with or simply sit with. Contact us to find out when our trainings are scheduled.

For more information please contact friendsofhospice@bhb.com or email philanthropy@iwcbda.com and we will forward your details on.

6. Bermuda Underwater Exploration Institute (BUEI): Our mission is to Advance the understanding, appreciation and knowledge of the ocean and to encourage the protection and preservation of the marine environment.  We need:

  • Tour Exhibit Guides! Do you enjoy greeting tourists and locals? BUEI needs volunteers who are friendly to guide Customers around our exciting exhibits, our exhibits include Shell Collections, Treasure Rooms and The Shipwreck Gallery.
  • Gift Shop Sales Assistants (Adult Only): Well-presented volunteers with fabulous customer service skills who enjoy greeting the public and also can assist with processing of sales at gift shop, admissions and event ticket sales.  Available days are: Mondays 1:00 to 4:00 (Training to be on Fridays or Wednesdays), Wednesdays  10 to 1 or 1 to 4, and Fridays 10 to 2:00.
  • Story Time Readers Needed (Shared Volunteer Roles):  Do you love reading? Are you passionate about books and literature? Are you Bubbly and Cheerful with experience with Children?  We need Volunteer Story Time Readers for Tuesdays from 10 to 11:00. Story Time is a fun and creative time where the reader can read stories, rhythms for children (Infants to 5 years). You are also welcome to use puppets or music.  Tuesdays needed are every Tuesday in April.

Contact: Volunteer Coordinator and Front of House Manager at volunteers@buei.org, Hollyanne Shirley or call direct line: (441) 294-0204/294-0205

7.  The Family Centre: Our mission is to strengthen families and support systems to create a healthier Bermuda for our children. Since 1996 Family Centre has provided early intervention services to children who were suffering from family based problems such as abuse, neglect, and other emotional challenges. Family Centre has three main support areas – advocacy and training, community programmes, and counselling services. Community programmes include the homework and study academy, beyond rugby and a Youth Development Zone initiative which also involves a partnership with the police.These initiatives help encourage positive attitudes in youth and also provide accessible role models.


  • Homework Academy: Family Centre is partnering with Dellwood middle school to ensure that every young person gets the support they need to succeed and are looking for volunteers to help students review their homework and assist them with any problems they cannot solve on their own.Their Homework Academy runs Mondays-Thursdays from 3.30-5.00pm during the school year. This programme is also offered at Cedarbridge High School.  No experience necessary, just a little patience and the desire to help young people learn. Regular (yet flexible) commitment is preferred. Training is provided to all volunteers
  • Helping with one-off fund raising events, including:
    • Cycle for Change on February 15
    • Celebrate the Night on February 28
    • Cup Match Tag Day on July 29
    • Beach Bash on September 25

8. WindreachVolunteers are needed to side walk with the horses to ensure they are safe and comfortable. Also it’s great if volunteers have knowledge or would be willing to learn about the horse – how to saddle up and bridle, lead and clean etc. More details coming soon, but in the meantime you can reach out to Rebecca Lister at membership@iwcbda.com to find out more.

9. Bermuda Feline Assistance Bureau (BFAB): We are in need of additional feeders in various parts of the island, for one or two days per week. . It is great to see the cats running to greet you when you arrive to feed them.

BFAB relies upon the assistance we get from our volunteers. All you have to do is complete our Volunteer/Membership Form, by clicking here. We are always looking for new ideas and input – so if you want to be a part of the solution, please complete the online form.  By volunteering, you automatically become a member of the Bermuda Feline Assistance Bureau (BFAB).




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