Jennie Lee O’Donnell ushers in a new modern era with club’s rename to International Women’s Club, website development and new philanthropic focus

Jennie Lee O’Donnell ushers in a new modern era with club’s rename to International Women’s Club, website development and new philanthropic focus

Jennie Lee O’Donnell served as President from 2002-2004. As President, Jennie Lee oversaw the constitutional change of the club’s name from International American Women’s Club to International Women’s Club as well as significant modifications in application procedures of new members in an effort to streamline the membership process. Modifications in the club’s publications were made to bring the club further into the electronic age with many members electing to receive the club’s newsletter via email, and work begun for the launch of an IWC website. The scope of the IWC philanthropic donations was expanded to include both domestic and international recipients of IWC philanthropic funds. While maintaining its focus on Bermuda’s community needs, the IWC also began donating to international charities for women and children, appropriately reflecting Bermuda’s privileged position in the global community. The total sum of $31,500 was donated during the 2002-2004 IWC club years.

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